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What is Facebook?

Facebook is a social network that makes it easy for you to connect and share with family and friends online. Facebook was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. Since 2006, anyone over the age of 13 with a valid email address can join Facebook. Today, Facebook is the largest social network in the world, with more than one billion users worldwide.

Since Facebook arrived, it has marked a before and after in the world of the Internet, since forums were left behind as a means to exchange ideas, while social networks were gaining a remarkable role.

What’s new on Facebook

Questions and answers about Facebook

Troubleshooting Facebook

Facebook Profiles

Facebook Pages

Most commonly used terms on Facebook

Facebook Marketing Tips

Facebook Features

Here is a list of the most common questions that arise about Facebook, in these articles we explain quickly and easily so you can solve all your problems.

How do I access these articles about Facebook? You just have to choose the topic of your preference and click on the title, we will redirect you to the post.

In addition to what has already been mentioned, Facebook has very specific types of content that allow us to expand the way we interact in this social network. Some of them are:

  • Market or MarketPlace: allows members to list items for sale in groups and can also rate sellers.
  • Groups: Allows members who have common interests to meet and interact.
  • Events: Allows members to publicize an event, invite guests, and keep track of who plans to attend.
  • Pages: Allows members to create and promote a public page created around a specific topic.
  • Presence Technology: Allows members to see which contacts are online and chat.

Las Redes Sociales